About Me

I am an Associate Professor of electrical and computer engineering at the Technion — Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel. I received the B.A. degree (cum laude) in mathematics and computer science from the Open University in 2005, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the Technion in 2011.

My research interests lie at the intersection of signal processing, applied mathematics, and data science. In particular, my work revolves around the development of geometric methods to analyze and process high-dimensional signals and data. The main premise is that signals and data are typically highly involved, especially nowadays in the wake of significant technological advancement. At the same time, such signals and data have some underlying structure formed by various constraints that arise from a wide range of intrinsic and extrinsic factors. These include, but are not limited to, the experimental methods, the characteristics of the measurement equipment and modality, the environmental conditions, and the foundational physics and first principles of the problem. While the underlying structures are often unknown, we postulate that assuming their existence facilitates the development of unsupervised nonlinear geometric techniques that transition from intricate signal and data observations to structured informative representations, without deriving models in closed form. This approach introduces a new powerful interface to signals and data; it enables us to develop efficient, effective, and theoretically grounded analyses and processing methods, which are particularly suited for high-dimensional, possibly small, unlabeled datasets contaminated by noise and other interfering sources. These characteristics typify a broad spectrum of problems in applied science and engineering.

Prof. Ronen Talmon
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